Yesterday, I had the opportunity to get out of town for the day. Last year, Sue gave me a book called
Road Biking, Northern California. I looked through the book and found a ride near Petaluma and Fort Reyes. I decided that is where I wanted to go for the day. I could not have asked for better weather. It was bright, sunny and about 65 degrees. PERFECT for a ride. The loop was 33 miles. Due to a couple steep climbs (see description below), I had and embarrassingly slow ride (about 3 1/2 hours). I still am trying to build my hill climbing strength since I will be riding several hills in the
St. George Century Ride in April(which is part of the reason I choose to go there yesterday).
The start & finish of the ride.

Some scenery of the first part of the ride:

This picture does not even begin to show how steep the hill is. I had already climbed about half of it and this was part of the second half. The name of the climb is appropriator named "The Wall". It was a 2 mile climb ranging between and 8% to 18% grade!

The payoff after such a brutal climb was this amazing view (and the 25-35 mile per hour downhill ride!!!

Just some nice scenery towards the end of the ride: